Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis

Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis

This is digital downloadable Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis

“Professors, lecturers, and instructors will find the fifth edition of the book Molecular Biology of the Cell and its accompanying Problems Book to be an excellent choice for guiding their students through the maze of the cell’s molecular structures and biochemical processes….With countless colorful illustrations and a large number of photographs and tables, reading the text becomes not only an educational experience, but also a highly enjoyable one for those students who wish to discover the inner workings of the magnificent cellular machine….Educators will also find the DVD-ROM to be a rich electronic resource when compiling their lectures….No less important is the Problems Book, which contains numerous exercises and questions that are an integral part of the learning process, and that teachers, instructors, and students are sure to appreciate
And this is View Free Sample of  Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis

Product description

As the amount of information in biology expands dramatically, it becomes increasingly important for textbooks to distill the vast amount of scientific knowledge into concise principles and enduring concepts.As with previous editions, Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition accomplishes this goal with clear writing and beautiful illustrations. The Sixth Edition has been extensively revised and updated with the latest research in the field of cell biology, and it provides an exceptional framework for teaching and learning.
The entire illustration program has been greatly enhanced.Protein structures better illustrate structure–function relationships, icons are simpler and more consistent within and between chapters, and micrographs have been refreshed and updated with newer, clearer, or better images. As a new feature, each chapter now contains intriguing openended questions highlighting “What We Don’t Know,” introducing students to challenging areas of future research. Updated end-of-chapter problems reflect new research discussed in the text, and these problems have been expanded to all chapters by adding questions on developmental biology, tissues and stem cells, pathogens, and the immune system.

Table of Contents for Test Bank Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition

Part I: Introduction to the Cell
Part I of Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition Include:
Chapter 1: The Evolution of the Cell
Chapter 2: Small Molecules, Energy, and Biosynthesis
Chapter 3: Macromolecules: Structure, Shape, and Information
Chapter 4: How Cells Are Studied
Part II: Molecular Genetics
Part II of Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition Include:
Chapter 5: Protein Function
Chapter 6: Basic Genetic Mechanisms
Chapter 7: Recombinant DNA Technology
Chapter 8: The Cell Nucleus
Chapter 9: Control of Gene Expression
Part III: Internal Organization of the Cell
Part III of Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition Include:
Chapter 10: Membrane Structure
Chapter 11: Membrane Transport of Small Molecules and the Ionic Basis of Membrane Excitability
Chapter 12: Intracellular Compartments and Protein Sorting
Chapter 13: Vesicular Traffic in the Secretory and Endocytic Pathways
Chapter 14: Energy Conversion: Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Chapter 15: Cell Signaling
Chapter 16: The Cytoskeleton
Chapter 17: The Cell-Division Cycle
Chapter 18: The Mechanics of Cell Division
Part IV: Cells in Their Social Context
Part IV of Test Bank For Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th edition Include:
Chapter 19: Cell Junctions, Cell Adhesion, and the Extracellular Matrix
Chapter 20: Germ Cells and Fertilization
Chapter 21: Cellular Mechanisms of Development
Chapter 22: Differentiated Cells and the Maintenance of Tissues
Chapter 23: The Immune System
Chapter 24: Cancer

Product details

Publisher: Garland Science; 6 edition (2 Dec. 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0815344325
ISBN-13: 978-0815344322
Link full download:https://getbooksolutions.com/download/test-bank-for-molecular-biology-of-the-cell-6th-edition-by-bruce-alberts-alexander-johnson-julian-lewis/
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